Perspectives and challenges of 6G networks for the Internet of Things



6G networks, Internet of Things, hyperconnectivity, ultra-low latency


This study aimed to investigate the potential impact of 6G networks on the Internet of Things (IoT), evaluating improvements in speed, latency, connection capacity, and energy efficiency, as well as associated challenges. The methodology employed combined qualitative and quantitative approaches, including a systematic literature review, observation of technological trends, and focus groups with experts. Data analysis used quali-quantitative techniques to identify key patterns and concepts. The main findings revealed that 6G networks promise to radically transform the IoT ecosystem, with transmission speeds exceeding 1 Tbps, ultra-low latencies in the order of microseconds, and the capacity to support up to 10 million devices per square kilometer. These improvements will enable advanced applications such as remote robotic surgery and real-time digital twins; however, significant challenges in terms of infrastructure and security were also identified. In conclusion, the study underscores the transformative potential of 6G networks for IoT, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that maximizes benefits while mitigating risks. It emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and responsible innovation to address the technical and ethical challenges associated with this emerging technology. The study suggests that the convergence of 6G and IoT could lead to a hyperconnected and intelligent world capable of addressing critical global challenges, but warns that realizing this vision will require ongoing dialogue among all stakeholders to ensure technological development that benefits society as a whole.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Guevara, N. C., Miranda-Salvatierra, K. T., & Mateo-Washbrum, I. A. (2024). Perspectives and challenges of 6G networks for the Internet of Things. Revista UGC, 2(3), 72–80. Retrieved from