Use of Big data and predictive analytics for the election of a controller in Ecuador



Big Data, Predictive Analytics, structured data, statistical models, algorithms


The article analyzes the functionality and operation of the processes with the use of Big data and predictive analytics for the election of a controller in Ecuador in the collection, storage and analysis of large volumes of data and the use of historical data, in that sense. The importance of using statistics and advanced analysis techniques to predict future results with the purpose of optimizing elections is highlighted, in the case of the Comptroller General of the Ecuadorian State.


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Author Biography

Óscar Alfonso Obando-Cruz, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Vicente Rocafuerte. Ecuador.




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How to Cite

Obando-Cruz, Óscar A., Plazas-Durán, A. R., & Díaz-Guevara, N. C. (2024). Use of Big data and predictive analytics for the election of a controller in Ecuador. Revista UGC, 2(3), 81–89. Retrieved from