Constitutional analysis of the impeachment process of authorities by the National Assembly of Ecuador



National Assembly, political control, effects, due process guarantees, political trial


This article focuses on studying the political trial of authorities by the National Assembly of Ecuador, based on constitutional regulations and relevant laws. The objectives include examining the doctrine and legal regulation of political control, political trials, and their effects. Additionally, the article aims to discuss the application of due process guarantees in this context and analyze the jurisprudential criteria related to political control in the case of Guadalupe Esperanza Llori Abarca. To achieve this, the study explores the concept of political control as the foundation of political trials, tracing the evolution and definition of this institution, along with the national legal framework that governs it, including its guarantees and effects. This work was conducted using a qualitative research methodology and the application of various methods such as the analytical-synthetic, juridical-exegetical, and case study approaches, among others. The analysis concludes with the standards set by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, which confirm that the nature of political control is inherently political and does not directly interfere with constitutional rights. However, due process guarantees must be respected in the handling of complaints or political trials, ensuring they are strictly aligned with this type of procedure.


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Author Biography

Jean Karlo Espinosa-Avalos, Universidad Bolivariana. Ecuador.




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How to Cite

Maldonado-Ramón, E., Espinosa-Avalos, J. K., Alfonso-Caveda, D., & Fuentes-Sáenz de Viteri, L. (2024). Constitutional analysis of the impeachment process of authorities by the National Assembly of Ecuador. Revista UGC, 2(3), 130–141. Retrieved from