The economic impact of the Quintuple Helix ecosystem, from the perspective of the cultural industry at the University of Guadalajara



Triple Helix Model, cultural industries, university cultural center, economic spill


The Triple Helix concept materialises physical infrastructures of academic, governmental, business and social linkages through the economies of talent and knowledge to detonate regional competitiveness, differentiate capacities and offer better conditions associated with quality of life. The concept of creative economy is understood as a process that triggers innovation, technological change and comparative advantage for the development of related businesses. Its core concept is based on skills and talents with the potential to trigger employment, industrial reproduction and technological change for business development, and creation and dissemination of cultural content. The venues for cultural shows and events of the University Cultural Centre (CCU) of the University of Guadalajara (UdG) are an example of the development of a cultural industry. These venues sold close to 900,000 tickets in 2023, generating direct and indirect income of more than 45 million dollars, including income, food and hotel nights.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Ortiz, R., Guerra-Avalos, E. A., & Valadez-Sánchez, V. M. (2024). The economic impact of the Quintuple Helix ecosystem, from the perspective of the cultural industry at the University of Guadalajara. Revista UGC, 2(1), 16–24. Retrieved from