The treatment of the compound sentence from communicative grammar in the Spanish–Literature class



Methodological procedure, teaching, communicative grammar, compound sentence


The article presents the authors' reflections in relation to the treatment of the compound sentence and its discursive-functional functioning in different textual typologies, based on the systematization of educational theory and practice and with the use of the analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive methods, observation and analysis of documents. The work proposes a methodological procedure and its exemplification for the study of the compound sentence from the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic dimensions. Its implementation has allowed the improvement of the study of the compound sentence based on communication.


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Author Biography

Ángel Agustín Rodríguez-Domínguez, Universidad de Cienfuegos “Carlos Rafael Rodríguez”. Cuba.




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How to Cite

Castellanos-Rojas, A., & Rodríguez-Domínguez, Ángel A. (2024). The treatment of the compound sentence from communicative grammar in the Spanish–Literature class. Revista UGC, 2(2), 31–38. Retrieved from