Digital and power skill: training for the future



Training, labor, technology, socio-emotional


In an increasingly digitalized and socially complex world, the acquisition of both digital and social-emotional skills becomes crucial for professional and personal success. This article proposes a comprehensive training program aimed at training individuals interested in developing these skills to face the challenges of the future of work. The primary goal of the program is to equip participants with the skills necessary to excel in an ever-evolving work environment, where technology and human interactions play equally important roles. To achieve this, training modules are integrated that range from the mastery of digital and technological tools to the strengthening of interpersonal skills such as effective communication, teamwork and emotional intelligence. The program will be designed in a flexible and adaptable manner, allowing participants to personalize their learning experience based on their specific needs and objectives. Innovative teaching methods, including simulations, case studies and hands-on activities, will be used to ensure deep understanding and effective application of the concepts learned. In summary, this training program aims to prepare individuals to be well-rounded and versatile professionals, capable of successfully navigating a dynamic and competitive work environment by developing fundamental digital and socio-emotional competencies.


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How to Cite

Juanes-Giraud, B. Y., Bestard-González, M. C., López-García, J. E., López-Bestard, Y., & Alvarez-Hernández, I. (2024). Digital and power skill: training for the future. Revista UGC, 2(3), 97–105. Retrieved from