The teaching of reading comprehension in English to Music students



English for Specific Purposes, methodology of music teaching, reading comprehension


The article presents the reflective study conducted by the authors on the development of reading comprehension for specific purposes in English in music students. For this purpose, an analogy was made between the stages of reading comprehension and the methodology of music teaching itself. It is taken into account that theoretical knowledge about music provides the student with the ideal tools to appreciate the artistic value, through the conceptual and historical formation of artistic manifestations. While the practical knowledge allows them to experience and express the particularities of the artistic theory they have apprehended, otherwise, if the artistic experience were omitted, it would only be based on a theory that would be meaningless. Therefore, it is defined that the pre-reading stage is associated with the students' previous experiences, while the reading stage is associated with the apprehension and the post-reading stage with the expression of the sound fact.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Rodríguez, C. de L., & Abreus-González, A. (2024). The teaching of reading comprehension in English to Music students. Revista UGC, 2(1), 25–33. Retrieved from